Disclaimer: this is a partial repost of my post on the asexuality subreddit.

Long time lurker here. I’m still questioning things but so far I seem to be ace, possibly demi. I’m very curious and positive when it comes to sex and sexuality though, even if I’m questioning thingsish.

However soon I have a first date planned with someone (both mid twenties age). And I know sexuality and desire are important to a lot of people in a (possible) relationship. Trying to be considerate of the other’s feelings here but I don’t know when a good time would be to tell them that, as important as it is for some people. Would it just be a thing you see as you go along? Any advice would be appreciated!

Mind, I’m not opposed to telling and if things go down the sexual/sensual route I am still interested to experience and pleasure the other person.

  1. If you knew this when they asked you out, telling them then and there would have been appropriate.

    If you have their contact information and can talk to them and only recently discovered this, reaching out to them now and telling them where you are and affirming if they still want to go on the date or if it would be better to cancel would be appropriate.

    If you are somehow unable to talk to him before the date, then talking about this during the first date would be appropriate.

    This is not something to delay on or try to hide.

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