Ive had lots of girlfriends but I met them all through friends. After becoming a digital nomad, I am alone all the time and I am really confused. Im 32 and I have been by myself for 10 years.

Im in Mexico and I am a native spanish speaker. I tried to be social this past weekend. I was completely myself. Had a great conversation with a woman but she ended up leaving with another guy who barely speaks spanish.

Should I continue to be 100% myself? Does this method of thinking automatically put you in the “friend zone”?

I know that everyone has heard that confidence is attractive. Should I be 100% myself but sprinkle in a dose of confidence in myself even if I think that I sound like a jerk? Maybe I think Im being a jerk but a woman would think I am just messing around somehow and find it attractive?

Sorry for the ignorance. I am very inexperienced.

1 comment
  1. >Had a great conversation with a woman but she ended up leaving with another guy who barely speaks spanish.

    The fact you got out there and tried to talk to someone is a good start. You said it was a good conversation as well which means this was a success. Her leaving with someone else is not important.

    What is your goal? To get better at talking to girls? You have to keep doing it and you will improve

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