Firstly, I understand that various smells are absolutely normal and there’s nothing to be ashamed of – it’s natural.

This is exactly why I hate myself for it. Sometimes the smell of another person’s breath, body odor or sweat really turns me off. And I can like someone and enjoy their personality, but if I smell something weird – I lose all interest in that person. This has killed many relationships, many great sexual encounters and so on and I don’t want to be it this way.

Important note: I know how sensitive the topic of smell is to women and I would NEVER shame them for it. I would just never talk about it. I would never want another person to think that they stink, even if it was a weird smell just once for a brief moment.

It’s the effect of smell to my libido that I hate. How can I fix my sensitive nose?

  1. First of all we are only humans we all have our different preference and how these can be effected by external sources.

    But I guess that was not what your looking for, I guess you are looking for suggestions as it seems to bother you to the point you wish these things did not affect you as much, here are some suggestions from the top of my head: talks with a psychiatrist, Cognitive behavioral therapy, hypno therapy. I am sure there are plenty of other forms of therapy that can be explored but those just came to mind.

  2. I’m the same. A man with great hygiene is a catch to me.
    As a woman, I can often get away with reminders outside the bedroom like I’m going to floss, want some? or suggest we grab a shower together.

    I had a FWB that was obsessively clean and that just made him so much hotter to me. I felt confident licking him anywhere or experimenting.

    He’d have a little natural smell after but that was comforting and normalized him to me. The effort matters even when he was slightly funky occasionally.
    Being forgiving about occasional odors will get you far, just use your hands more instead of your mouth, maybe?

    Hopefully you find someone that appreciates cleanliness as much as you.

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