What well-intentioned advice is actually counterproductive?

  1. Find a way to make your hobby your job. Makes you resent your hobby and your job and overall makes your life more miserable than it needs to be. Better advice is to find a job that you can accept and allows you to fulfill your hobbies and live the life you want to live.

  2. “Be yourself” to find love.

    Often they’re readily willing to change things like clothing style, and desperately need to change things like hygiene habits.

  3. Feminism, meant to empower women, leads them down an empty and unfulfilling life path of being sterile corporate employees with no real purpose in life.

  4. Going to therapy. Costs way too much and you’ll probably have to shop around a while before you find that works with you well.

    And people on social media loveeee to just through that out there “get some therapy” like yeah okay bud.

  5. “think happy thoughts” or “Just love yourself” Only if it was that easy to do those things

  6. > Good relationships require compromise.

    I’m not saying compromise never happens, but I think people can easily compromise to a fault and convince themselves to get into relationships that aren’t good for them.

  7. Let it out.

    Actually, while it’s not healthy to hold it all in… it’s equally not such a good idea to always let things out.

    Not everybody you consider a friend deserves to see or hear about your feelings. Your weaknesses. Your vulnerable side is more often than not, going to entice people to exploit it actually.

  8. “You’ll find love when you stop looking”

    Yeah. I definitely will while I stay at home not interacting with society

  9. “Try on dating apps”

    Oh yeah.. whilst I’m at it. Best way to make money is to also try my luck at the lottery 🤦‍♂️

  10. “Find a relationship through social stuff”

    I feel that this does not help someone get a relationship as much as a dating app could. Unless you’re in college, there is a limit to how many social groups you can be apart of which will limit your dating pool a lot. It is also much harder to make intentions clear and avoid awkward situations compared to an app with a random person.

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