Need advice

Me (26 M) and my Gf (23F) been together for almost 4 years now.
Things are great between us. Just something that worries me that I am more physically fit in comparison to her.
1) So when having sex I feel like she gets drained and after 20 min she needs to gasp for air. And sometimes I can see that she is hurting.
When I ask her about it she always says that is fine and she enjoys that „kind of pain“. Now i know my GF she is a people pleaser and might say something like that just not to feel that she let me down (although that is totally stupid). My question is , can a woman enjoy sex even though she looks hurting ?
2) She gets often infection after sex , at first we thought it’s maybe hygienic related , but even though we shower before sex and clean our selves good before sex she still get bad infections. I don’t think this is normal. Are we missing something?
I thought maybe cause i have a big penis and when going deep i reach her cervix ?
Appreciate any help

  1. **The duck test:** “If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.”

    > I can see that she is hurting.

    You have a big penis, she looks hurt, she gets infections afterwards?

    It sounds like it is a big dick problem which she is just putting up with. Of course you do not ask how to address that particular issue hence my answer end here

  2. Lay back, let her get on top and let her control EVERYTHING. That way you can really see how much she likes and what she wants to endure. She can determine the pace and how much she can take instead of just pounding away.

  3. 1.

    >Now i know my GF she is a people pleaser and might say something like that just not to feel that she let me down

    So, what you’re saying is that you suspect that, due to her people-pleasing nature, that she’s not being 100% honest with you. Is there a reason for this. You say she’s a people pleaser, but has she ever been caught lying to YOU specifically? If so, then that definitely needs to be addressed because a lack of trust is a SERIOUS problem in a relationship. If not though, then don’t let the possibility that she MIGHT be keeping something from you ruin your sex life with her. Just make sure to always let her know that she can be 100% honest with you and should feel safe to do so. From there, relax. I may be a man, but I HAVE seen – and even heard – many women talk about the idea of things being “enjoyably sore”. So if you trust your gf to be honest with you and she’s telling you she enjoys “that kind of pain”, it’s likely the “enjoyable sore” kind.


    2. This might be worth consulting a doctor about.

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