So IRL I tend to lean more towards men that are men, fine with silence, fine with driving in a car and not making empty remarks?

I do know quiet often some people feel the need to fill in silence and I generally find this behaviour annoying af and a bit rude, I’ll try to give examples.

So in a car he is driving music blaring and I’m staring out the window, he goes’what’s wrong, you’re quiet’…this catches me off guards because I’m happy and I say I’m fine with a smile, then he goes ‘are u sure, you don’t seem to be talking as much anymore’ …as in compared to a few hours ago when we were talking in a different environment.

Sometimes we’ll be Walking and someone will go ‘are you Okay, you’re quiet’ and l go yeah I’m fine with a smile, and same thing again.

I’m such a chilled relaxed person when it comes to dating I can hold hands walk along chit chat and also stay quiet and look around

How do I stop these comments, why do I get these comments, I used to previously never speak to people like this again because I find it annoying even after having to explain myself they insist and a lot of people are like this and I put it down to their insecurities which I think is very immature. So how should I react, because I would jokingly ask why u asking me that and they’ll seriously be like oh ‘you just seem quiet’ even though I’m smiling and normal.

Guy’s feeling the need to over compensate is annoying and socially this happens to and I see it with other people but I don’t like it

1 comment
  1. Do you ever go quiet when you’re upset/angry with the other person? Or do you always let them know right away? Because either they’re checking because you do “silent treatment” to indicate you’re unhappy. Or those people have been around _someone else_ who did that. And they got trained, so to speak, to ask repeatedly.

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