Almost had to do a double take when I saw the price tag and was even more amazed there was no sale sticker anywhere. I was lucky enough to live somewhere where early this year it never went over $3.50. Have the egg prices where you live gone back down to near normal?

  1. I remember the first time I went to Aldi in Nashville about 5 years ago they were $0.48. Now I believe it is $1.30. For a while there they were up around $4.50. At that point I started buying fancy eggs because they were cheaper

  2. $1.24 dozen in NY, cheap eggs don’t make for high click news. People like to read they’re being screwed.

  3. Egg prices spiked last year because of a bird flu outbreak that required culling many of the egg laying chickens. They have now been replaced… it takes much longer for chickens to reach egg laying age than meat consumption age (something like 10 mo vs. 10 weeks), hence the longer shortages and high prices.

  4. About $2.39/dozen at my local Costco for their standard cage free eggs. I’ve seen around $1.79 or so at my Walmart as well.

  5. $1.79 here for a dozen Large at grocery store prices. I get mine from a weird local farmer for a buck a dozen.

  6. Cheap. This is the one thing they actually put the price back down on after price creep. Granted it didn’t get super expensive here it was just $2/dozen instead of 99 cents. I gotta hand it to whoever controls the egg prices they had a real good chance to fuck us over and uh didn’t. That’s rare as unicorn shit.

  7. nearly $9 for 18, but we buy the Vital Farms Organic because my wife is crunchy and likes these things.

  8. CA has been pretty cheap.

    In RI for a few months and they’re cheap too.


    There was a huge bird flu thing that caused a bunch of chickens to get culled. That increased egg prices.

  9. Just paid $6.99 per dozen at the little Mexican corner store near my apartment in San Francisco, but they’re local organic or something.

  10. Expensive. I bought eggs yesterday and they were $3.99. Eggs haven’t been cheap here in awhile.

  11. Definitely back to normal, thankfully. I probably eat a dozen eggs just myself each week. It was definitely hitting my pocketbook.

  12. $1.12 at Aldi in South Carolina today.

    Prices spiked last year because egg producers had to cull the flock to stop the spread of avian flu. Now that the population of layers has rebounded the price of eggs dropped a ton.

  13. They’ve been back down to a quite reasonable price nationwide for a few months now I believe

  14. The Krogers where I live in Ohio are $5/dozen at the cheapest for eggs that aren’t raised in good conditions. If I want the pasture-raised, cage-free eggs, I’m paying at least $7/dozen. OP, you have cheap eggs and need to be thankful for that. Because it’s not going to be those prices for very long.

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