I got dumped. We’re still friends but that’s a whole other thing. Anyways I’ve never had to ask Reddit anything but I can’t tell anyone about this. Ever since the breakup I haven’t been able to masturbate bc I just get sad when I touch myself and end up falling asleep. Well I’ve finally been trying again because I’ve been way too sexually frustrated. Well my brain wouldn’t stop picturing past sexual encounters with said ex and at first it was fine but as soon as I started having the big O I just started sobbing. And it goes like that everytime now. I try not to picture him but it just happens. How long is this going to last. Can I do anything to fix it? Unfortunately I don’t feel ready to get under anyone else anytime soon which is fine with me but now I can’t even do it by myself.

1 comment
  1. This is very common in my opinion. You just have to ride it out, as much as it sucks. Our brains are programmed to remember past experiences, the sensations and emotions are by default going to bring up those memories. You’re going to have to give yourself time, and slowly it will get easier. Im sorry I don’t have better advice, I just went through this a few months ago and it’s a crushing feeling. But trust me when I say you won’t feel like this forever and it will pass. best wishes.

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