Has anyone else gone through this? I’m asking because about a year ago, I, 23[M], met someone on Tinder. Long story short, she gave me one of either gonorrhea or chlamydia (pretty sure it was gonorrhea, had the textbook symptoms (burning during urination, discharge etc.), but tests always kept coming back negative). It took about 6 months to finally be given the treatment for both. After treatment, the symptoms went away and I felt good. I’m just wondering, I live with my mother and we share a toilet. She’s not at risk right?

Is this something I should be worried about? I never anticipated ever catching an STD which is kinda naive considering I was looking for something casual on Tinder. But like has anyone else gone through this? Did you end up telling ur parents or move on like nothing happened?

  1. If you’ve undergone treatment already (for both) than you don’t have anything to worry about, since both are curable with the right treatment.

  2. ‘I live with my mother and we share a toilet’

    Bro you need to stop doing that immediately have you not heard that women can get pregnant from toilet seats?

    What in the world are you thinking of?

  3. Did she have any signs of being a classy lady? Have never gotten one, and I’ve been with a *lot*.

  4. Firstly, thank you for seeking treatment and not just thinking it will go away.

    Secondly, thank you for caring about your mum’s sexual health also – don’t worry though, she won’t catch it from the toilet seat.

    Thirdly, if you don’t already, get regular 3/6 monthly checks while sexually active. It’s so important to look after your sexual health. Don’t let a partner tell you it’s a sign of cheating or a sign of being untrustworthy either. It’s really not. Even in relationships I’ve gone regularly until my husband. It wasn’t that I didn’t trust my partners, it’s just that I cared about my sexual health and you just don’t know what other folks are doing.

    Also… if you’re having casual sex – Wrap it up! Not all STD’s can be cured.

  5. It took you stuff months to go get treatment, it took six months of treatment, or it took six months for a clinic to relent and treat you?

    Because if it’s the first – don’t do that in the future, mate. Go to a clinic as soon as you have symptoms.

    And if it’s the third – go to another clinic.

    No reason to be treated for two STDs when you can be tested and treated for the right one, too.

    Your Mum is not going to catch either from the toilet seat. But if you ever think you have chlamydia, ensure you get checked and treated before any sex with women because just… not mentioning it since it’s totally treatable… could mean the women don’t know – and that disease can take fck up their reproductive system

  6. where you given a diagnosis, or did they just give you medication to make you go away after 6 months? lol might just have been a bad UTI

  7. You are an adult, so the doctor can’t share your medical info even if you are on your mother’s medical

  8. The chance of catching an STI off a toilet is like so extremely slim it’s not funny.

    What can you do? Just be clean, plus now you have been treated you don’t have it anymore.

  9. It’s crazy how common the misconception is that you can get an std from sharing a toilet seat. It has to be sexually transmitted.

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