Every time I talk I just cringe. I feel like I have nothing good to add to the conversation and then later I’m always like “why did I say that”

  1. Sounds like you’re overly critical of yourself. Who criticized you before you started criticizing yourself?

    You’ll have to unlearn this behavior. You may need anything from self reflection and compassion to counseling, depends on your particular situation. Good luck with it, though. It’s gonna feel weird to be kind to yourself at first.

  2. Practice and repetition.

    Your responses are probably fine (but if they aren’t then find out and adjust). Getting feedback from someone trusted is great (Reddit counts too).

    Once you are content with how you respond to conversations then keep doing it until you don’t think twice.

    Over time you can increase the level of conversation, for example. After light banter you can try being persuasive, or debating, sharing personal stories, ect…. But keep practicing.

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