I met a person who works in government at my local gym. I was talking to him about a paper that needed to be reviewed before a deadline. He suggested that I take it to his lawyer who would do it for free.

I sent the lawyer the paper, he said it was okay but he can’t re-review the paper because he has a case coming up.

I was basically like “okay thank you” and sent him the next paper regardless. I think this may have been a mistake. He didn’t respond.

I actually bought both of them a very expensive cigar ($20) but I never actually gave them to them. It’s like 7 months after the case and I still feel bad.

Is there any way I could make this up?

^I wanna “maintain” this connection.

  1. I hope you didn’t give that lawyer your only copy. You need to offer to pay them money, not offer them… a cigar to split?

  2. What kind of paper needed to be reviewed? Also don’t count on anyone following through with anything until you build your trust talk is talk, and if you have deadlines they may be too busy for your time frame and may even forget

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