I think being vocal is very hot, but I can’t help but feel like moaning as a guy sounds at least sorta “subby/bottomy” haha.

Anyway, what do people think (I’m bi so guys you can respond too).

  1. It’s not effeminate, it’s hot. It’s also a compliment since you’re letting your partner know they’re doing the right thing.

  2. Change moaning to groaning and you’ve got the masculine word for letting your partner know you’re having a good time! 😉

  3. Moaning as a guy is the hottest thing in the fucking world. My dude is dominant and masculine but he’s noticed that his moaning gets me extremely excited so he’ll deliberately tease me by grinding on me and moaning while I’m restrained. Best tease ever

  4. Definitely not effeminate. I want to know if my partner is enjoying himself! 😉sometimes it even helps me cum

  5. Men need to make more noise! It’s weird trying to give pleasure to someone who is stone cold and not reacting at all. You need to give feedback and noise is an easy way to do it.

  6. I made the mistake of being mostly silent during early sexual encounters, and I didn’t realize how awkward that made girls feel. Now I let myself moan, breathe heavy, talk affirmatively and my girlfriend loves it. Her motivation to give me oral sex is to listen to my reactions and have me squirm in pleasure. She gets massively turned on that the guy who dominates her can be reduced to this helpless pleasure machine with just a little bit of work with her mouth

  7. Who cares??? If it feels good enough, go ahead and moan, groan, talk dirty to her… Just do it!

  8. Make tiger noises, growl, roar. Last thing you’d want in bed is a guy that goes “yamete kudasai”.

  9. No, it’s hot and more guys need to be more vocal. Imagine if most women were stoic in bed. Bet most guys wouldn’t enjoy that as much.

  10. Most women want their men to make more noise. Maybe if your voice shoots up a couple octaves.

  11. Cis het woman married to a cis het man, and nothing is hotter than hearing my husband moan and telling me he’s close/about to cum.

  12. Silence is kind of creepy haha. That’s a tota turn off for me if a guy is just completely silent. Just seems like they’re bored

  13. No, moaning isn’t a gendered act in any way. Similar to how someone would moan in severe acute pain, people (both male or female) will moan in pleasure too.

    I personally *like* a man moaning during a sex act, since it’s hot to know that your partner is enjoying the experience. Should add I’m a woman, and straight, so have only had sex with men.

  14. i find moaning and dirty talk super hot in a guy. moaning doesn’t make a guy “subby” or “bottomy”. if you want to be more masculine with your expressions of pleasure, you can try a dominant style of dirty talking

  15. Express yourself, for God’s sake. Don’t think about masculine or feminine. Enjoy every moment as much as you can.

  16. Sex noises, genuine sex noises, are the hottest thing on the planet. It’s a show of your pleasure. And however that comes out naturally, it doesn’t matter what it sounds like. It’s what it MEANS that makes it so hot.

    I love a noisy man. The noisier the better. I’ve been with silent men, even after I encouraged them to be vocal. And it was just so off putting. I never went back to the quiet ones.

  17. Men moaning is one of the greatest gifts we as humans have been blessed with. When I gave my ex a blow job for the first (2nd 3rd and 4th) time he was quiet and it was so boring

  18. Moaning is a requirement in my book. Although I like a guy to be a little more subby so take my opinion with a grain of salt maybe? I just think someone being super vulnerable and honest is super hot.

  19. Seriously, whichever woman is spreading this rumor is doing a huge disservice to the rest of her kind. Generally speaking, we all love the feedback!

  20. This morning I had the house free where I could be vocal and it was honestly amazing. I thought I’m going to make some noise whilst masturbating and then it’s like I couldn’t stop the sensation got higher and higher. That lead to more moaning when I got to cumming all I did was grunt and it was the hottest thing I have heard. I wish I recorded it to watch later. However I do feel a little bad as I had neighbours in so hehe

  21. I mean, not at all but if you want you could always throw some grunts in there. Let the inner primitive human out. Do you think our ancestors, who were tough as a bag of adamantium nails, were silent during sex? Hell no, they only knew moan and grunt so they were going ham on it.

  22. Of all the partners I had, 1 guy made no sounds, and it was the most boring sex ever. I would close my eyes and imagine a completely different situation, I needed some mental stimulation and dude provided none

  23. I don’t think it’s effeminate, it’s just weird hearing my own voice so I’ll keep quiet, thank you very much

  24. My woman loves it when I moan in her ear as I’m inside her. She’s told me that it actually is one of the main factors that help her orgasm during intercourse. Women love it and there is nothing wrong if you do it. Keep doing it and see how she responds.

  25. I once had a guy who didn’t make a single noise. It was WEIRD. Light off. No sounds. I couldn’t wait for it to be over

    No, moaning is not effeminate please make noise 😭😭

  26. Presumably, you’re a guy making noises with your guy vocal chords. So like… how could it be girly?

  27. Nooooooo no no no!!! Moaning and grunting is hot as fuck! Dirty talk, whispers, praise, bring it all on king!

    Seriously there’s a whole industry of audio porn for women which is just men moaning and acting out fucking the listener. It’s a thing.

  28. I don’t see it that way at all. Most women I’ve been with have told me they love it when I moan, and even how I “grunt” 🤷🏻‍♂️ slightly when I cum 😄

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