I was in rehab earlier in the year and there I made a friend and we’ve somewhat stayed in context via texting/snapchat. I got out of rehab a few weeks earlier than her and later on when she got out during the first couple weeks she was talking/texting normal and we’d have legible conversations, after those two weeks though I noticed her communication was becoming incoherent/borderline inappropriate, I wanted so badly to believe it was just bc she was rly tired but obviously it was because she started using again. Shortly after I noticed her parents did too and she got sent to rehab for the second time.

She just got out but I noticed she’s already texting nonsense and stuff that straight up doesn’t make sense so she’s already back to using and it has only been 2 days. She’s younger so maybe that has something to do with her impulsivity in terms of resisting the urge to use but it just sucks and I’m scared for her. Because she immediately communicated in that incoherent way I’ve been procrastinating responding because honestly idk what to say, it’s not like every single word made 0 sense either but I don’t know how to respond knowing that she’s using so quickly after being let out. I haven’t seen her in person since I was last in rehab which was in May so I feel weird asking her about her sobriety especially bc addicts get defensive over their addiction. I wanna help her but ik I can’t unless she fully commits herself, also before I started rehab I didn’t wanna make friends bc I knew it’d cause potential worry/grief to be friends with people and I feel like that’s exactly what I’m going through now.

1 comment
  1. You don’t have to respond, and you can in fact mute or block her etc. If her behaviour is damaging your MH and might put you at risk, then don’t engage. You are on your own journey and are obviously serious about recovery. What can you say to incoherence anyway? Nothing. So I’d personally just wish her well, and then block her contact.

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