I don’t understand why, growing up and even now when people give me eye contact I kind of force it, but it doesn’t bring anything different than just talking, if anything it makes it more awkward

  1. so people know they have your full attention and care about the conversation. its not necessary to keep constant eye contact the whole time cause that’s definitely awkward. i usually keep it around 3-5 seconds at a time its ok to look around a bit. but its ultimately out of respect you keep some eye contact with someone your talking to

  2. Yeah to acknowledge the person and communicate better. Eye contact and body language add another level of communication, and help people read each other.

  3. Honestly idk. It’s considered a threat in animals but us humans are so weird as to demand eye contact

  4. The last couple post I’ve seen on the subreddit is actually sad, I also question these things everyday but I just brush it off as it’s “ part of life”

  5. Eyes communicate a lot about what someone is thinking. It’s an evolutionary drive to look at someone’s eyes, the reason we have so much visible whites in our eyes was so that when we were in small groups in the jungle you can tell where everyone is looking.

  6. It’s about attention. If you don’t make eye contact, the implied signal is you don’t care what the other person is saying. This, of course, may not be true. However, that’s the way the vast majority of people see it (convenient pun)

  7. Eye contact plays an integral role in our development and communication. Even the whites of our eyes play a role in communication.

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