I’m a plumber and one thing I’ve noticed since joining the trade is that the atmosphere between the workers is a lot less professional. Now there is a lot of roasting each other and bullshitting. I’ve basically become a punching bag for the rest of the crew and I freeze up when trying to roast back. Any advice on how to come up with better comebacks on the spot or good ideas to screw around with coworkers?

1 comment
  1. In my experience, every dynamic is unique and nuanced in these situations. It is likely that they think you’re “one of the guys” and feel comfortable making jokes at your expense. If a boundary or line is crossed you should definitely make it known by saying just that. A respectable person would adhere to your boundaries. If they don’t, that is when it becomes bullying and them liking you isn’t a matter of importance anymore. Asking others around you, for help, one on one, in dealing with that scenario is your best bet.

    Being the butt of the joke is not an easy role to play. I find that making quick witted comebacks is really hard to do and you also have to worry about crossing the boundaries of others. Being good at it takes a lot of practice.

    My advice would be to try and get laughs other ways. The reason roasting one another is fun is because the group has a commonality and bond. Maybe try making jokes about the customers you’re doing jobs for, puns about the materials you’re working with etc. These will be things that are relatable for everyone and will likely be funny if you let yourself be creative.

    As for dealing with being the butt of the joke, physical humor or acting out the things they are roasting you for makes you a part of the joke, not THE joke. Try not to be too self deprecating with that and always strive to be kind and have a positive attitude.

    If it is bothering you a lot I’m sorry and you don’t deserve to be treated in such a way. But I hope this message helps.

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