I’ve been with this guy now for almost 3 years and he has called me every nasty name you can think of, there hasn’t been a week that I can think of where he hasn’t raised his voice at me (usually over something so little), he’s spat on my face one time after saying I am a “nasty slut, he recently told me that I am “used up and no man will stay with me for long”

and oh he texted his ex last year after 2 years of constant accusations of me “going behind his back” (and no I never did

Idk what it is, I have definitely have had enough and I know I can never and should not ever have a family with this boy but I keep being drawn to him. I have tried leaving several times but I keep being weak and falling back to it. I just want to be happy and have peace in my life. I feel like I have been living life as if I was constantly walking on eggshells.

Now, I’m not perfect either. Sometimes, I blow up back but then I get called crazy or dramatic or too much…

Would a healthy relationship ever be achievable with this person? If so, how can things ever be better?

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