People frequently tell me: “that’s your dad right? You look just like him,” or some variation of that.

So far, naturally and without thinking, i’ve used: “Really, am i that ugly?” but it’s not getting the reaction i want. (He’s average looking & i am not self conscious)

What is a funny witty comeback i can use as a response to people saying i look my daddy?

  1. “How do you know, did he fuck ur mom last night?” Would have been a good cheap one for the first time they said this to you lol

  2. I’m not sure if you’re specifically trying to go for some type of edgy vibe with this?? But as someone who gets this a lot about me looking like my mom, and about my daughter looking just like me, or all of us looking alike, etc. I usually just do a “Really? That’s the first time anyone’s ever said that!” and a wink and small smile.

  3. * “That’s the rumor that’s going around.”

    * “According to my mom, yes!”

    * “Yes that’s what I’m going to look like when I’m 100.”

    * “No he’s a kind old stranger I like to hang out with sometimes.”

    * “He’s my agent.”

  4. “Yeah, he borrowed my look for a while.”
    or maybe, “He’s the vintage version of me”

    Probably best not to insult people who look out and care for you :/

  5. I don’t understand why you even need a witty comeback. From my experience, if you have to force humor, than the joke is probably bad. I would just say, “yeah, that’s my dad”.

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