Hi all, my cousin sister[29M] got married to this guy[39M] five years ago. They have one kid now. My sis recently found out that he has been cheating on her for a year. He has become really toxic for this one year and his parents always were that kind too. Out of five, my sis spent almost 4 years in her parents place only. She got adjusted a lot and even after she found about the extra marital affair she completely broke down and still gave him one chance as he begged her. He started behaving sweet and sent my sis again back to her parents place. After few days, now he started to ignore her calls, texts her that he’s busy with work but my friend saw him in a hotel with his family. His tone has changed and he’s again turning into one monster not caring even of his kid. My sister doesn’t know how to proceed, she feels that he’s doing all these on purpose so that my sister will initiate divorce process from her end so that no one will question or ask him in his society.

I feel extremely sad looking at her and that kid. I can’t sleep thinking of his behaviour towards them, it makes me so frustrated. What do they do now? Is there a way to file a case against him? I have recordings of the girl with whom he cheated where she spoke about their affair. Any advice would help.

1 comment
  1. Your sister has to decide what she wants. Hopefully she gets stronger instead of being so weak around him and leaves him. Perhaps she needs more cheating to happen to see the light or maybe she is coming to her senses now. There is really nothing that you can do since she will make her own decision.

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