How fat would your woman have to get for you to consider leaving her?

  1. For me it’s less about the weight and more about the willingness or unwillingness to deal with it.

  2. My main concern would be her mental and physical health first. I don’t mind a few extra lbs if she’s healthy. If she’s “my woman” then I’m with her bc I care about her. If it’s a genuine issue then I’ll do whatever I can to help her before considering walking out the door.

  3. I probably wouldn’t leave her even if she was morbidly obese. Leaving my partner because of illness seems wrong to me. But she would stop being sexually attractive to me and I would probably want an open relationship. Which would then maybe lead to the breakdown of our relationship over time.

    Somewhere at the level of moderate (class II) to extreme (class III) obesity. I wouldn’t be happy with mild obesity (class I), but I could probably cope with it. Being overweight is not a big problem in terms of attractiveness and sex, it suits some women, it depends on how the fat is distributed throughout the body.

  4. Weight gain is usually a byproduct of a bigger issue (like stress, anxiety or depression) so while I wouldn’t break up with someone over this, I’d at least be mindful of this and talk about it

    Because it’s pretty natural to be in a longterm relationship and being a bit more relaxed with your fitness regiment. But if say, the person is completely letting themselves go then that’s more of a concern for their well being, over my views of having a fit partner

  5. Really depends on more than just the weight.

    Rapid weight gain is usually a sign of medical issues in some form.

    Slow weight gain over a long time to becoming obese is a lifestyle problem 99% of the time.

    In either case, if she refuses to address it then I’m likely to leave.

  6. Not much, I’m not attracted to fat people whatsoever. Ofc, all the standard (why is she gaining weight, try to help her, etc.) applies.

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