If you go to the gym before work, how do you pack wet towels and sweaty clothing?

  1. I tried it for a hot second, but I get to work at 6:30 AM, and lifting that early sucked balls. I did however have a little disposable plastic bag that I’d reuse every week to carry the dirty clothes and towel. Then when I got home I’d make sure to take that bag and put the clothes in the laundry, and save the bag for the next day.

  2. Clothes are stuffed into the gym bag where they live until the end of day, then the wet towel is laid out inside my car where it can dry better than being folded up in the gym bag.

    Laying out the towel flat lets it air dry well and it never gets that mildew/mold smell

  3. Keep the sweaty clothes in the “wet” side of my gym bag (has holes for ventilation), the towel I’ll put into a bag and will hang it up in a locker at work so it doesn’t make my vehicle smell musty.

  4. I just toss them in the truck somewhere. I live in Arizona so they are dry in an hour as long as they aren’t all balled up.

  5. I don’t really get sweaty when I work out. Maybe save that sort of exercise for non-work days or after?

  6. We have towel service in our Gym. I leave my sweaty gear in my locker which I grab at the end of the day before I leave work.

  7. Plastic bag INSIDE the gym bag; as soon as I get home from work, emptying the bag into the washer is the first or second thing I do when I walk in.

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