First of all, because every time this question comes up this is always the answer, I know how to meet people (going to clubs or doing activities to meet people with similar interests), and I go up to talk to people as well even if it’s outside of my comfort zone. However, I still don’t know how to actually make friends. The best I usually get is being a friendly acquaintance, someone that people talk to if they happen to be in the same place and their real friends aren’t around. I just don’t know how to turn that into actual friendship. Also, I’m diagnosed with autism (ASD level 1) and am in the process of being assessed for ADHD.

  1. In my opinion, the brutal truth is you don’t make friends, you get friends. This means true friendship has to happen randomly, you can’t force it. There’s a lot of luck involved, personalities reflecting, etc. I’m not saying you shouldn’t try, since it won’t happen if you don’t try. But it’s going to take a lot of trial and error. Another truth is the older you get the harder it becomes.

  2. One method is to invite them to do something with you outside the place where you know them. One-on-one interaction helps strengthen friendships.

  3. Well try to get their phone number or a social media contact. That’s how friends can stay in touch with each other. Also try to plan a hangout every so often so you’re not just texting them all the time. Usually it helps if you can plan a hangout within the first month of meeting them. If they like you as a friend, then it will be an official friendship. Also ask your friend or friends you’ve just met to introduce you to their friend group. If they let you into that circle of friends, then congrats you’ve just made a whole bunch of new friends without breaking a sweat. See it takes a little bit of time and patience. But also relies on being a smooth talker and appearing extroverted.

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