Last night my boyfriend (18M) and I (18F) had sex for the 2nd time ever. The first time we did was when we both lost our virginities which was a pretty enjoyable experience. We laughed a lot because it was sloppy but it was a lot of fun (Neither of us actually came but I expected that because it was our first time).

This time was different though, at least for me. At first I was really excited to do it and I felt comfortable. Then he came and I did not. We stopped after that because obviously he couldn’t continue since he finished. But after I was feeling really shaky and anxious. We like put on our clothes and made sure everything was clean and then we just went out to the store. But immediately after he finished I began to feel extremely depressed and anxious. I was trembling and couldn’t really bring myself to speak at all. I didn’t know how to tell my boyfriend how I was feeling Then while cleaning the lube off of myself I noticed I was bleeding a lot and it made me feel more anxious and depressed. I started getting alot of bad memories of my junior year of high school.

(This next part is a trigger warning for SA skip to the next paragraph if you need)

In two separate situations I was taken advantage of when I was not sober and after each event took place, both people made up an excuse as to why they did what they did. One situation was a friend of mine, the other was my at the time boyfriend. I didn’t believe that I could allow either of those two situations to occur to me, but they did and I couldn’t stop either of them.

(End of SA mention)

I don’t know what to do now. I just feel very scared and sad. I want to talk to my boyfriend about it but I don’t know if I should. We’ve only been dating for 3 months, I know alot of people are much wiser than me about these things so please please help.

1 comment
  1. First off, I’m really sorry that happened to you. I get the impression that perhaps this experience with your boyfriend triggered the memory of what happened to you previously and your body reacted accordingly. Do you have any reason to not trust your boyfriend with the knowledge of what happened to you in your past? You don’t have to give specifics, just let him know that you’ve experienced sexual trauma in your past and it’s a part of your life that you need to work through. It’s no doubt going to impact your sex life and I think him being aware of it will at least put a dent in your anxiety.

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