I need advice on if I should join a club knowing I have social issues . I have no friends at school but I wanna try to make some this year before it’s to late . Idk how to really talk to people either but idk if I should join and risk pushing myself out of my comfort zone.

  1. I have found that surrounding myself with the people that share the same interests as me leads to genuine inclusion and friendship. The first few club meetings might be a little awkward but know that they accept you because you are interested in doing the same things together.

    so keep an open mind, stay positive, and contribute when you can. Keep in mind that you will be surrounded by people with similar interests and that’s the key to grow your friend network.

  2. Yes. If you avoid social situations then you’re going to be controlled by social anxiety for the rest of your life. Real social anxiety is not something you magically grow out of without forcing yourself into social situations.

    Joining a club or activity you’re interested in is also the easiest way to get new friends, except maybe becoming friends with your friends friends.

  3. You should _because_ you have social anxiety. Putting yourself in social situations is the best way to deal with that anxiety. I know because i also used to be terrified of socializing. I still get scared I’m making an embarrassment of myself, honestly.

    The trick is to learn to be comfortable with making mistakes and doing something embarrassing. It’ll happen, but that’s no reason to be afraid of it. Everyone makes embarrassing mistakes and only assholes give them a hard time for it.

    You’ll do dumb things, but that’s totally okay. People are still gonna want to be your friend, hell often embarrassing things can end up being really endearing, making people like you more!

    You’ll be totally fine, homie, i believe in you! Go join a club and make some friends, i promise it’ll be 100% worth it.

  4. So if you don’t join the club, what is the alternative? Waiting around for your social issues to somehow magically get better so that you can then socialize better without being embarrasing? Thats never going to happen, the only way to practice anything is to fail first.

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