Ok, sorry, this sounds like a stupid question.

I was literally invisible to men until I bought my new car. I am really just an average girl, like 7 and I never had attention of men.

Recently, I bought an expensive car (I am a software engineer) and this is the car many men want. I get approached in public and on instagram and many of them would mention my car and how “bossy” I am with it. I get asked out, but at some point, they have to mention my car and how I have to have money for that. No questions about my personality or compliments about my look.

I do not go out with men based on car or financial status, I choose people who I like, but I cannot stop questioning myself the intentions of these guys.

Again, this all sound cringe, buuuut, I want a normal relationship. Should I hide it, not to mention it at all, what are your suggestions?

EDIT: How can I filter them? Not pay on dates? Ask them some questions? 😂

  1. while it’s nice of them to compliment your car and ‘bossy’ style, you’re right in wanting someone who asks about you and not just your belongings. have you tried casually steering the conversation towards your other interests, hobbies or your career? might give them a hint that there’s more to you than just the car.
    as for hiding it, I personally don’t think you should. it’s part of who you are right? a successful, independent woman who can afford an expensive car. but yeah, maybe dial down posting about it on insta, just temporarily, see if that makes any difference in the kind of attention you’re getting.
    just remember, genuine people will stick around for you, not your car.

  2. >like 7 and I never had attention of men.
    If you never had attention of men, then you’re in the 4 or less category.

    >Am I (28F) suddenly interesting because of my new car?

    Maybe, but the interest is men you don’t want.

    The guys you’re after won’t care how much you make, or how successful your career is. It literally boils down to if you are beautiful and if you add peace to their life.

    most likely they’re making the same or more as you, or incredibly handsome 8+. You’re going to compete with the swarm of women lol.

  3. Men don’t give a shit about that. Or, more precisely, having a good/expensive/special/fancy car doesn’t make a girl more attractive for 99 + % of men. Same applies to having status as a woman or a lot of money or being wealthy etc.

    Those are simply not any dominant attraction triggers in men. Men, by and large, react to other things when it comes to women:

    Youth, fertility, beauty, and, to a lesser extent also being cooperative, feminine etc. Men might be impressed that a woman reached this or taht status, or is very accomplished, but it doesnt arouse a man and make him sexually more attracted.

    The analogy is flawed on multiple levels, but those things are to men what ‘being nice’ is to women. Yeah, they like it and they feel good with it but ‘just being very nice’ doesnt sexually arouse women on any level whatsoever. It doesn’t work like that.

    And, Id even go further. Id say that status, money, wealth etc. is even less of an attraction trigger for men as being very nice is for women. That’s not how men operate, by and large.

  4. I mean to brokies that want a sugar mama.

    Most guys don’t really care about a woman’s money cause we know your not gonna spend it on us.

  5. 7 is pretty hot.. nowhere close to merely average. Com e on now, how much math did you have in college, yet state average and 7 in the same sentence. Anyways..

    Anyways, I also have a bunch of cars, sports cars included. I could absolutely car less what car a female drives. It might cause me to talk to that female about the car, if it’s an interesting/unique car.. but that’s about it.

    Now.. about that “bossy” comment. That’s a sorta repulsive characteristic to to most men.

    Btw.. what kind of car are we talking about? OMG please don’t say Tesla.. I’m hoping we’re talking about something exotic.

  6. More likely than not there’s two things going on. 1) guys notice the car, then notice you and with that 2) the car is an “in” on striking/making conversation.

    Most guys don’t give a shit about your job or how much money you make. I’d bet the question of how you can afford it is a feeler for if you’re a trust fund kid or have a sugar daddy. In my eyes, they might be impressed and most of them are just feeling out what type of person you are.

    Talking to them will help filter, but in general I wouldn’t be worried about them dating you for your money – that’s pretty specifically a female thing. Of course, it does happen and you would be one to attract that, but it’s probably not a huge issue. That said, I think the problem you’ll inevitably run into is guys who are intimidated by your income as, again, the ability to gather resources is something that women find attractive way more than men, so the thought might be that you’ll drop them for someone who makes more than you.

    So, you need to filter more for that sort of male insecurity than anything.

  7. “I am really just an average girl, like 7 and I never had attention of men”

    Did you just call yourself average then proceed to rate yourself within the top 15%?

    And no I highly doubt any decent man is looking to date you because you have a nice car

  8. I think it’s a nice conversation opener.

    Many guys are intimidated by high earning women so, I’d try to suss that out early on. I’d be more concerned with that than honestly.

  9. Guys like cars. You’re a car bro now. Maybe you’re also a hot chick, but if you like cars we gonna be talking about your car. Especially if it’s a mustang or a charger. Double especially if it’s old.

  10. Honestly I really feel like the answer to this question depends on the car. Men have different reactions to different cars and it can we as wide ranging as a Tesla that really just says “I have money but I’m not terribly interested in driving” or a Lamborghini that says” I have money and I love showing off”. All cars a different and say a different thing about the owner, that’s the truth.

  11. Many men like cars, with you having a I guess nice car now you gave many men an easy conversation starter whereas before they probably didn’t know how to. Imo it’s this.

  12. If you can afford an expensive car, you can probably afford an old beater to take on the first couple dates just to make sure you’re not getting used. Just an idea. Seems a bit impractical though. Then again if you have pics of your car on Instagram already, that probably won’t work.

  13. I’d just ask if you want to go to the track sometime. Mostly because there’s so few people our age who can afford to do so. Unfortunately, that’s how lifelong addictions start…

  14. Lol, dudes who want to date you don’t care about your car. You’re thinking like a girl. An arrogant one, at that.

  15. 7 is way above average. I had the same experience when I bought my Challenger. Men I didn’t know would start conversations with me at the gas station or parking lots. I didn’t buy it to attract anyone but my wife found it amusing that I bought a dick magnet. For some, the owner of that car just happens to be you.

  16. You got a RS7? That is a nice one.

    Even if you were a man, you would be approached and asked about the car or get attention. Add that it’s a woman? Oh snap good luck keeping them off you. Add that it’s an attractive woman? Lawd have mercy! It’s like a swarm of bees to honey.

    The hardest thing for you will be to determine if it’s a genuine connection. The car enthusiast community can be hit or miss, there are some great folks, but there are some shady folks that just see dollar signs and scam/fraud people.

  17. It gives them a reason to talk to you that is socially acceptable. Men are not allowed to take to women anymore in public without a reason. You gave them a reason. “Clever giirrrll”

  18. So…from a specific point of view, having the awesome expensive car means that you have great taste and that you could be an auto enthusiast from their view. Being a car enthusiast is primarily a male interest and well knowing an opposite sex taking in a similar interest is cool. I certainly wouldn’t mind seeing a female car enthusiast

  19. > I am really just an average girl, like 7

    If you’re saying you’d rate yourself a 7, that’s significantly above average lol

  20. The answer to your first question is, almost certainly. Very strong correlation. Other excuses might exist, of course. But they’re probably just excuses

  21. Yeah, you’re right. They are, probably gold diggers. You deserve one who likes you for who you are, for your beauty, not your car. Do they want to have sex with you or your car? It’s you who got to be attractive, not your car. You’ll find someone. In mean time, avoid showing it before they show some interest in you first.

  22. Lots of men are into cars so if it’s one that isn’t boring they’re going to notice and chat with you weather you’re a potential dating prospect or just another dude (doesn’t have to be expensive, an old unique or cool one would likely get similar interest). So they’re likely noticing the nice car first and then noticing you like that other comment says. Aside from people noticing you getting in and out of your car on the street it’s pretty easy to hide it early on in dating. Just don’t have any pictures of it on dating profiles or on public social media (set IG to private for example) and park farther away from where you’re meeting people or attending social events. Then they won’t fine out what kind of car you have until later on. As long as they know you have reliable transportation nobody will be suspicious about it.

  23. Oh, btw, try to go with someone that is financially independent. You’re not the only rich women on earth, but you’ve got to make sure the men you date looks to your car as an extra (oh nice, she likes expensive cars), not as a requirement. Try picking him up in a very cheap car on the first date. Well, I must say I’m curious about your look. A 7 that never got any attention? No way.

  24. Go with it, girl, flaunt it! My first car was a BMW 325e sport in 1989 and we were both HOT! I still like cars, so does my husband and we have had our fair share of nice/vintage ones. As for the intentions of men right now, I can’t tell you as I’m on this sub to stay current for my daughters, but who really cares? And who defines what a normal relationship is? So what if you make more and drive a nicer car. If you and your man both like cars, that’s a good thing. I kind of view it like maybe wearing a sign that says “I like hiking” and then every hiker approaches you. He might not have the money to hike to Kilimanjaro but again, who cares? He likes hiking and so do you.

  25. btw, if you want to filter guys from your car, why not take an uber the first few dates?

  26. Probably not attracting the men you want. I don’t see how calling any woman, “bossy” would be a compliment or get them a date. Maybe you are getting their attention now but do you really want it?

    Let’s say all of the sudden you wake up one day and men everywhere think you are the most beautiful woman in the world. Now you are attracting men by your looks. Same thing if you have a new fancy expensive car, make lots of money or are famous for whatever reason. Maybe you will have more options but the majority of those options will turn out to be materialistic and dusty dudes.

  27. Don’t hide it. You aren’t flaunting it but you shouldn’t have to make yourself smaller. If they bring it up use it as a red flag and don’t date them. Don’t pay for dates.

  28. I own several expensive and classic cars.
    The answer is NO. If that’s why they like you. bye bye.
    They should like you because you’re SMART!

  29. Ma’m you solved the problem many women have struggles with. You dipped your toes into a hobby many guys have. They probably expect a guy but when they see you pop out they’re probably like “great taste in cars AND attractive?! Potentially one of the few women I can nerd out about cars with”

  30. Yeah be careful because hobosexuals are real. They think you have money and they imagine themselves driving your car. If you date, be very aware if they try to love bomb you, rush along to get serious, trying to move together, have you pay for lots of dates even if it’s dutch and they ordered the most. You pay more than normal if they order the most expensive and then want to go half. If they ask you out, they should pay for the first date. You can pay for the second date (without telling them beforehand).
    Be smarter than me. Learn from my mistakes.
    If they see your car and then ask you out, you can assume they think you have money.

  31. well your value went up because you are now a women who is obviously successful and what you like (your nice car) shows good taste.

    they may wonder how you were successful (trust fund? sugar daddy?)

    but just out of curiosity how is that ANY different from women asking what men do and not only that expecting them to have six figure income

    i find it odd that you take it all as a negative

    it would be like a man complaining that once he started dressing nice women kept coming up to him asking about his style.

    I can assure you that i would value a women more that were successful than one who was in a dead end job hoping to get rescued by some simp who would spend all their money on them.

    but at the end of the day your personality and who you are would be more important.

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