What boys love but don’t admit it?

  1. Wearing frilly pink dresses and dancing around in the springtime while pushing a hot dog through a donut.

  2. Being with their girl all day, rather then hang with the fellas.

  3. Gifts.. like some women want or expect little gifts and romance.. not gonna lie bring me flowers and I’m happy.

  4. Boys? Ok, masturbating. A boy won’t generally admit that they jerk off. Hell, most men won’t even admit it. But you get older and realize that everyone else does it.

    For me it was admitting that I liked listening to music by artists like ABBA, Olivia Newton John, Spice Girls, Bee Gees, Shania Twain, among others. I mostly listen to metal, rock, classical and jazz. So when my wife saw some of my Spotify playlists she was kinda surprised by some of my choices.

  5. I don’t usually listen to this type of music but sometimes I blast a girl anthem song by someone like Avril or Kelly Clarkson, etc.


  6. My soul will leave my body if some girl grabbed me by my arm or pulled me in towards her but hell naw never gonna say that out loud hahaha

  7. Girly music. No way no guys like at least one girly song. If they say they don’t, they’re lying.

  8. When the girl is the top, I will never say this out loud but I am most definitely a bottom. I feel like not a lot of straight men will admit that.

  9. If you pour our water or butter our bread. Just some small gestures that would show us you care, especially if we paid for the entire meal. YMMV, but those little acts really do add up.

  10. Two things.

    When she shows me genuine love and affection without prompting and appreciates me.

    When I don’t have to always initiate or make the plans/decisions all the time.

  11. A slow dance to an 80’s love song, such as The Power Of Love. Never gets old.

  12. I’d probably burst into actual tears if a girl surprised me with a bouquet.

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