Which State has the best cream pies?

  1. Massachussetts, because their Boston Cream Pie is actually a cake. Though really it’s Boston Cream Pie donuts that are the best version of that food.

  2. As a West coaster….. Idk why(I mean I do) but this post made actually LOL in a room full of people-Now everyone is looking at me and idk what to do😂

  3. Well, Boston-Cream pies are the best, so by default Massachusetts.

    (Since Key Lime’s in another category of pie, I luckily don’t have to make them fight. 🙂 )

  4. I wanted to say “your mom” but the comment from the Mod reminded me to be above board.

    Umm… your dad? Ha ha ha.

    Massachusetts has a cream pie you might have heard of. You should try it.

  5. California. The San Fernando Valley has, through talent and industrial expertise, led the culinary arts development.

  6. Definitely do NOT go to Paddy’s Pub in Philadelphia, or the Chinese fish factory across the street.

    TRUST me on this one.

  7. Unironically I’m really good at making a chocolate banana creampie. My wife says my cream pies are… well… you get it.

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