Hi everyone, the soles of my feet hurt so so bad every time I orgasm using my favorite vibrator, the rose.

When I use the rose, I usually orgasm anywhere between 5 to 7 times. Whether it’s the first orgasm or the 5th, the bottoms of my soles are in so much pain. I push through cause life’s hard enough like dang I can’t even orgasm in peace either???

Anyway, I’ve googled this and some articles talk about dehydration but I drink half of my weight in ounces of water a day.

Does this happen to anyone else? It’s frustrating! It’s like my body is fighting and I’m just experiencing pain and pleasure at once and not in a good way.

Send help.

UPDATE: I’m 33 and Female

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  2. It’s normal for me — male — to have my soles of my feet muscles contract during a strong orgasm and muscles can feel “pulled” for a bit but goes away with masage and Gatorade.

    Interesting you also have this situation — from an evolutionary perspective I don’t see any reason for our soles of feet muscles to become stressed during orgasm.

  3. As I woman my feet tingles and feel very warm after orgasms. It’s like prickly tingles and I like that sensation.

    But never heard of it hurting? In the brain there are points and areas where each organ are located. The genitals are near the feet area. You can actually look it up, it’s called The Homunculus and see how the genitals and feet are close to each other.

    Are your orgasms very intense with the rose? Which is a good thing as that will signify an adequate stimulation to be felt on soles of feet.

    Before your self pleasure routine, drink 8oz of water and try to massage both your feet gently. And move your feet and ankles in circular motion for a good 5 mins to make sure circulation is flowing properly and efficiently. Breath deeply as well.

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