Then your joints hurt, and your fingers are thinner and seem longer, and you can’t bend to touch your feet so you can’t cut your toenails.

Then you would like to take safe walks with someone by your side everyday but you can’t, because they will not.

So you are stuck in your room. Reading news from 1994 with your nightlight, in your dim room.

Then the jello they serve tastes hideous. You complain about yello at every desert time, but none cares.

“This yello tastes hideous, you better give it to the flamingo.” You proclaim.

Then you proclaim, “I want a new lamp in my room, I can hardly read it’s not bright enough.” But none listens or cares about it.

How will you cope with that?

  1. And furthermore, how will you call it oven when they of in the cold food of out hot eat the food?

  2. I’ll have big hairy ears.

    Beyond that… I’ll follow the family tradition of blowing my brains out before I get that bad. I do, however, have every intention of one-upping my old man. He used a 12g. I’ll start by taping a can of tanerite to my temple.

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