Alright I’ll try to make a long story short. Recently turned 30, been on and off with this chick(27) for the last 5 years but this past year we’ve been separated most of the year. We have up and downs but more downs.and I get it, we’ve been going through a lot, on both ends. I do miss her (I think) and she was my best friend but with everything that has happened between, I feel like there’s no was we can have a normal relationship (we have broken each other to much)

Last time I tried to talk things out with her, she had her dad text me to leave her alone.

So weird thing is, every now and then ,she’ll unblock my social media and I’ll see when she watches my story. Like wtf? If she has a n issue with me, then why is she lurking? Maybe i thought she needed someone to talk to so ive reached out in the past but then shell just ignore it or tell me to stop texting her and i will.She Recently did it again and I made her aware that I knew she was watching and then she blocked me again this morning…. it sucks because I do miss her and I no I need to keep going forward ( and I have been with other woman since) but I just can’t stop thinking about her.
Anyways idk if I should keep fighting and move on or if I should break in and reach out?

  1. She is not just living in your head rent-free. You’re paying for the accomodation and the insurance too lol Block her and break the loop, my dude. You don’t miss her, you miss the idea of her. You can find a great connection with another woman only once you break free from this one.

  2. When a woman says, “leave me alone”, you leave her alone. Anything else is inviting problems.

  3. OP I used to know a woman who I could say I was in love with and it was bad. She was a narcissist and she used me to get things she needed. I could tell you all about the things she did, but I can also tell you that despite that we had a good friendship and sometimes I miss the connection we had.

    One day I decided to see if she’d text me back if I stopped texting her and to no ones surprise she wouldn’t text me again.


    I have a group chat I am the admin for on Whatsapp with some of my friends. Years ago I invited her and I forgot about it. One day I figured out she was still in the friends group and she was looking at the texts I shared with my friends (I know this cause Whatsapp has those blue checkmarks to confirm when everyone has seen the text). I didn’t say a word to her, I just removed her from the group and life went on as normal.

  4. Block her. No other communications need to be sent from your end.

    I was in a somewhat similar situation years ago..she stood me up twice but then kept inviting me out after. But after the second time she stood me up, I decided that I just wouldn’t see her in person anymore.

    The invites were confusing and upsetting…so I blocked her and moved on with my life.

    Blocking her and walking away was the best decision I could have made, but I DO feel kind of like a dick for ghosting her.

    In your case…she told you multiple times to leave her alone.

    So do.

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