The Uk is a small country and it’s meant to be a 1st world country – how is the signal and data still so inconsistent. I am sat on an Avanti West Coast train LDN>LPL and obviously the wifi is virtually unusable…to be expected. But the train cuts through the middle of the UK and I have been utterly unable to reliably have signal or data. I can’t sustain a phone call for more than a minute, I can barely google anything and my Spotify buffers constantly. This happens on the M6 motorway as well – a central Uk motorway and just no signal consistency..::is it this bad in other countries as well?

  1. Can only talk for US, Germany and France, but driving through them is the same, great signal in and around the cities, drops to nothing in the countryside.

    For instance driving through Arizona, had 5G in Phoenix, get to rural and it hits SOS calls only

  2. I mean first of all you are sitting inside a metal box in both situations so this will weaken and interfere with the phone signal. You are moving at fast speed so the landscape between your device and the signal tower is changing quickly, possibly blocking the signal.

  3. Can honestly say, using google maps and listening to podcasts, I regularly drive from Wiltshire to Lancashire (so M5 and M6) and never had a problem.

    Perhaps you have crap phone or are with a crap provider?

  4. The train is likely

    1. travelling fast (I imagine hoping masts is not great for signal)
    2. travelling in remote areas with few phone masts
    3. dipping in and out of terrain that would interupt signals

    This is why I keep my entire music collection downloaded on my phone, have a few downloaded films stored up and relish the fact no one can contact me for a few hours.

    Then again, I do remember going on a very fast train in Italy that had good wifi.

  5. >I am sat on an Avanti West Coast train LDN>LPL and obviously the wifi is virtually unusable…to be expected. But the train cuts through the middle of the UK and I have been utterly unable to reliably have signal or data.

    If you are on an older Avanti train (Pendolinos and Voyagers) – the UV coatings on the windows are a problem for the mobile signal.

  6. For trains: Yeah internet sucks, you’re moving rapidly and your phone takes time to hook onto new tower. By the time you’ve connected, you’re rapidly approach the end of the transmission range, signal is weak, so your phone drops it to look for a stronger one.

    For cars; You either have a bad phone, bad carrier, or you’re travelling around an area of the country that no one sees a point in expanding new tech into.

    If you travel by train regularly and have a 5G phone, it’s often worth changing to 4G over 5G if your phone allows it. 4G has a much wider range due to the frequency it transmits on, and often has better penetrative power.

    As for “Are we shit or is this normal.” It’s pretty normal. I’ve lived in South Korea, which people love to use as a shining example of amazing internet. It’s not amazing, it’s pretty standard these days, you still have major signal problems heading further south the Jeonju.

  7. In addition to what others have said, train tracks and motorways are often built with earth banks either side. Effectively an open roofed tunnel. Sitting on top of the train would probably get a better signal.

    Same would apply on a motorway on a double decker.

  8. Use the the East Coast mainline regularly. During my 3 hour trip between London and Newcastle I have my phone connected to my laptop regularly to connect to email and more recently my AWS account with minimal issues. Its perfect fine for me. On top of that I get 40gb of data, unlimited calls and texts, EU roaming for £10 a month.

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