Would you date someone 15 years older ?

My ex gf was 31 and I am 40. The difference in maturity was obvious.

So now it’s kind of the opposite but the other way around. Curious what others think and feel about this.

  1. I’m 41, at our age the specific number seems less important. Do you two have the same kind of energy and goals? Go for it!

  2. Personally, 15 years feels like a lot to me – even at 42 years old. Not saying there’s no way, but I don’t see myself being into it. Given that you’re both well past the ages where grooming or lack of life experience is a concern though, I’d say go for it if it works for you. 🤷‍♀️

  3. No, men suffer from lack of women in the early years. The reverse happens to older women. Let a guy in his late 50s, 60s have a shot at her.

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