I Hope that makes sense…

20F at college. My take on friendships is that if they haven’t shown that they’re loyal to me and have my back then they’re not to be trusted. I have lots of friends but only about 3 of them actually make me feel safe

By feel safe I mean:

– won’t ditch me on a night out

– will try and include me in stuff

– want me around

– I can mess up around them and that’s ok

I feel like I have trust issues and over think. Because my big group of friends are flawed but great. They’ve just not shown me they have my back. But I feel like some people are just naturally trusting and get to have these great friendships without the icy start of my friendships

Does that make sense? How do I stop that it feels terrible

  1. Don’t… don’t convince yourself. They convince you. That’s it. Only 3 have and that’s amazing..the rest are still your friends but on a lesser level. Do not ignore your instincts. They are there for a reason.

    Everyone has different levels of fear or trust.

    I wouldn’t say your level of mistrust is so great that it affects the quality of your life.

    It’s not a bad thing to make people work for your loyalty

  2. Usually large groups of people are NOT going to be your close friends. Close friends tend to be fewer in number and that’s natural.

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