Hi everyone, so me and my partner have tested positive for these two STI’s.

We went privately through Randox (private medical company – local NHS has had cutbacks and waiting times are bad) due to my gf having STI symptoms. I wasn’t sexually active before we got together so I was convinced it wasn’t an STI.

Anyway it came back positive from the lab with this bacteria and we contacted our local GP’s (doctors) and they gave us a course of doxycycline. They seemed really clueless on this specifically so google was their best friend.
After the first course my girlfriend says she still has symptoms. Our doctors have now gave us (me too as a precaution) more Doxycycline and Azithromycin.

Our local doctors seem quite uneducated on these specific STI’s. Has anyone here dealt with this before and cleared it up? If so what did you take? What precautions? I am seeing other old Reddit posts with people have no luck from years ago with no update and there is a lack of information online.

This is putting a strain on our relationship so this is a priority to get this cleared up.

Thanks everyone in advanced for any input.

1 comment
  1. I am surprised you have not been refereed to a Urologist both the conditions are exactly within their field of expertise, ask your general physician if you can get a referral.

    Did some googling myself and the medications you described are also the medicine that would be used locally to treat both conditions, fancy names but their both just antibiotics.

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