Everyone said highschool will be so good, at least around me, but this is the worst part of my life. The only good things is my academics, but they are going to drop at this rate. I hate my life.

  1. High school and college are basically built to make friends but you need to put in some effort. Join a club or group or team for something you’re interested in. It doesn’t have to be at your high school but that makes it the easiest. You could also do the same thing in your local community.

  2. College is where the fun really starts. But you have to join a club or something in the meantime. Don’t have to be crazy about the subject matter, just capable of showing up routinely and forging some bonds.

  3. Join anything!

    I played softball.

    My best life is now. Left most of those school friends behind. They belong in the past.

  4. I hated high school and I hated my hometown. Graduation and moving as far away as I could was my single goal for the whole four years. I was a shy quiet kid in high school and spent almost every lunch period in the library because I didn’t want to face a cafeteria of kids I didn’t know and try to find someone to sit with.

    I went to college two states away and it changed my life. I’ve been friends with the others I shared a dorm with almost 15 years now and still see them a few times a year. It took work and a lot of effort but overtime I’ve developed the social skills to overcome that shyness I had and can usually get out of my shell and meet people.

    Never forget that you are a god damned diamond and you’re worthy of a beautiful life.

    It gets better❤️

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