I’m 19m my best friend is 18f and I recently moved out on my own and my friend often spends the night. She asked to sleep with me because she had nightmares recently and I said yes. She cuddled up next to me and the next day said it was the best night of sleep she’s gotten in months. I’ve noticed she makes a lot of flirtatious jokes and occasionally a sexual joke whi she usually never does. She’s here tonight and asked to sleep with me again and I’m starting to wonder if she’s wanting more than a friendship

  1. I would just reciprocate to the same level of affection she does. Talking about how you really enjoy spending time with her, slip in how maybe she looked really cute when she was laughing at a show you were watching, and see where it goes

  2. Do you want a relationship with her? If so, flirt back. If not…well this will be awkward

  3. see where she touches you. look her in the eyes gently and kiss her on the cheek. See how she reacts.

  4. Whatever you do, if you value her friendship, proceed with caution. Many friendships get wierd, or ruined, because they went to a different level.

  5. when going to bed put her head on your upper hand and your leg between her legs(right up her puss) and pull her closer see how she responds- that’s how a 14 year marriage started for me

  6. There is really no way to know for sure. I always had more female friends growing up. I thought there was 1 that was 100% interested in more for details I won’t get into. Brought it up one day and was ghosted ever since.

    There were plenty of others I “liked” for lack of a better word as a teenager. I never made a move on any of them, but that is the only way to know.

    Happily married now to one that I was friends with but never really hung out with.

    I can tell you that of all the ones that I was close to, none of them ever slept in the same bed as I did. So interpret that however you like. Most women aren’t good with telling men how they feel, and men aren’t good with picking up subtleties. My wife told me she sent me so many signals and I was oblivious to all of them until she directly said she was interested.

    If she is cuddling, I have to assume she is interested, but again, no guarantees.

  7. Honestly yeah sounds like she’s into you. If you’re into her too reciprocate the flirting. Make a move

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