Men of Reddit, what is something that you will just not tolerate no matter what?

  1. Any type of abuse whether it be verbal or physical. I don’t let anyone yell, scream, or talk to me in a disrespectful way.

  2. You can bitch and yell at me all you want, acts of abuse to others or animals, will get an immediate and unwelcome response.

  3. Being an innocent bystander.

    That doesn’t mean I make some big scene but if I’m going to a school that does something bad, a workplace that is systemically problematic (discrimination, harassment, favoritism, etc.), or around people that too often say awful things, I have no problem quitting and leaving to do something else with my life.

    I would rather make an honest 30k a year than a dishonest and corrupt 300k

  4. Blind acceptance. I respect loyalty, but when you just blindly accept any and everything someone tells you because they’re some sort of authority figure?

    Authority is the last thing to trust in any position without verifying first.

  5. Racism, sexism, homophobia and other types of dumb bigotry

    Just why would I want to be around these ignorant people.

    I don’t really engage with them as I find it pointless but I do my best to try and distance myself from bigots or make as little human interaction as possible.

  6. Any form of Abuse. Don’t know why I ever let a past woman at one point physically and verbally abuse me. After I got out of that I felt sick realizing how much I disrespected myself.

  7. Cheating and infidelity of any kind. I will work with a women’s flaws and shortcomings to make it work. But I refuse to be disrespected like that.

  8. Bigotry and abuse.

    Also, when people are typing online/texting and add multiple repetitions of a silent vowel, e.g., “niceeee.”

  9. Being called a B****. It’s just a trigger word of mine. It’s an instant fist fight for me. I’ll fight my grandma for calling me that.

  10. Talking shit behind peoples back, it really gets under my skin. I have coworkers that will all the time come and try and whisper to me about how they don’t like how another coworker is handling a project or something like that. I always tell them that talking crap helps no one, either be constructive and go explain your issues to them and work it out, or keep it to yourself. Bitching to me isn’t going to solve anything. Same goes for family too, it amazes me how often one family member will start talking trash about another to me, like that’s my family too you know. I just hate when people do that because it reminds me that they could be saying shit like that about me to someone else

  11. Being belittled. I block a friend’s brother because that’s all he ever does when he talks directly to me in our group chat with other friends. Occasionally I unblock him to see how he talks and whenever I speak up, he always responds the same way, trying to make me feel small and unimportant. The reason he does so probably stems from him being unhappy about his life from being a heavy smoker in his early 30’s who accidentally knocked up some random chick and had an unplanned kid in his late teens.

  12. The big one for me is lying. I can’t handle a liar. At what point would you be able to trust them again? You can’t take their word for it obviously and they certainly don’t have an issue with selling you a line of bullshit. Presumably that hasn’t changed.

  13. Don’t really know. I do believe im inherit right to self defense for you or somebody else. But I have yet to come across somebody being harassed or attacked to defend them. Out side of that I don’t really care about things.

  14. *”Men of Reddit, what is something that you will just not tolerate no matter what?”*


  15. Being her second choice. If I have seen you hook up with someone else, there is no point in coming to me later and telling me he was a mistake. I don’t care what he was, I just care that I wasn’t your first choice.

    Oddly I can forgive cheating: in that case I was her first choice and I can maybe come to terms with her making a mistake. That’s different. Depends on a lot of course.

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