I’ve heard of things such as diet and even supplements such as the Swedish Ropes that can be taken to increase the volume of ejaculate. Does anyone have any experience with this? Curious if these actually work or if there is anything that does increase it.

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  2. From what I have read, there are many odd methods that supposedly advertise this capability, but none have been proven to scientifically increase it to extreme levels. I’ve come to believe, about the only way to noticeably increase it is to practice a long-term edging program, properly hydrate, and have a supportive diet. This is all my own conclusions though .. I’m sure many people will tell you a magic formula .. for the low cost of $19.99.

  3. My partner and I have done some science into this. We never tried anything fancy or branded, but many sources mentioned three ingredients in particular.

    So now partner just takes zinc, selenium, and folic acid supplements. In addition to staying hydrated.

    It seems to have had the desired effect.

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