I feel like I’m totally smooth brained or something. If you listened to my thoughts, all you would hear is the vague sound of elevator music playing from a few rooms over.

It’s honestly really hard to have conversations because I only rarely have something to say. I know there’s supposed to be a natural back-and-forth, but I just seem to have no inquisitiveness or opinion on anything I am told or observe. If someone talks to me about something, I’m just like. OK. That’s cool or I’m sorry for you or whatever.

I am known for being a “good listener,” and I DO care what others have to say and I DO usually remember things I’m told, even if they’re small or only mentioned in passing. I just don’t have anything to say.

It’s also really hard to verbalize the feelings I do have or explain the (admittedly few) thoughts I think.

What should I do about this?

(For reference, I try to read/study/touch grass on a regular basis. Things just don’t have much impact on me)

1 comment
  1. I understand your situation since I am also struggling in this department.

    Especially I cant seem to continue the conversation and i just nod and listen to their words that I feel I am not contributing anything and if you ask me about starting a conversation they would usually not be interested or just dont know the topic.

    Truly its a struggle.

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