I’ve been with my partner since i was 15, and at first things were wonderful, but after some stuff happened their mental health started getting worse, but we always stayed together, even as things got more unhealthy. I finally talked to my friends about it last night, and they say I should break up with them, and i know logically I should but im terrified. Im scared that I’ll regret leaving, im scared something will happen to them if i leave, im scared to be without them because they were all i had for 2 years, and im scared this means I wasted my teenage years, planning a future with someone who i really thought id always be with. Is it normal to feel this way, and how do i get it to stop?

1 comment
  1. It all depends on how big his mental health issues are, is he aggressive to others, are there threats to you? If it’s not that bad and you love him, you should be guided by your own beliefs, not your friends’ thoughts on the matter. In my opinion 18 is a great age to date, study, go out with friends and travel.
    Good luck!

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