I’m really frustrated.

I’ve always been kinda quiet ig, and I don’t like talking to people. Not on anything rude or rooted in dislike, I just like to be left alone.

However, my teacher never acknowledges me or just acknowledges me after everyone else. If I raise my hand, he tells me to wait while everyone else gets addressed right then & there. Even during tests.

Also, when I ask a question literally everyone overtakes my question even though I have follow up questions. With EVERYONE else, they’re allowed a question & discussion if they don’t get it. With me, though, I ask my question, I’m still confused after the answer, I try to ask a follow up, but everyone & their mom asks a question, even interrupting my follow up with their own question. It’s not that they don’t know either, because they’ll tell me basically to stop taking so they can ask their question. Also, the teacher regularly doesn’t unsterstand what I’m asking & other people will chime in trying to rephrase it, plus they always get it wrong.

I don’t know why this happens & I feel like calling it out will make ME look like the bad guy. It’s really annoying & it doesn’t happen with anyone else.

Another issue, there are too many people in lab for me to learn, especially since I’m rarely called on & seldom acknowledged. I can never get to the equipment. I’ve already acknowledged it to my teacher and nothing changed. Then I wrote in my course review, and it only changed for a semester. I don’t know what else to do.

TL;Dr, my teacher ignores me & my classmates interrupt me. What do I do?

1 comment
  1. Honestly, I have a similar problem at my job where some of my coworkers would greet everyone else, but flat out ignore me. I’m sorry that you have to deal with such an environment.

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