Where I’m from you don’t learn about them till grade 8-9.
I read online that you learn about roots in grade 4 or 5 and wanted to know if that’s true?

  1. Me personally, I think 4th grade, when we learned prime factorization?

    That said this will vary a lot by state/school. From educational research I’ve read, in general the US math curriculum is weaker than other peer nations (in both depth and breadth).

  2. 4th or 5th grade seems kind of late to learn about roots, tbh. I homeschooled my kids, and I think I taught about roots shortly after they got a handle on multiplication.

  3. I think we learned about sqrt before 6th grade at least, then other roots and their algebraic properties in algebra for most students between 9th and 12th grade.

  4. I think I was in 4th grade (age 9) but it’s been a while. Grades 5-10 (10-15) were mostly dedicated to algebra and geometry.

  5. I suspect that what you are running into is not a difference in when what concepts are taught, but what concepts are called “roots.” It seems like most people in this thread are answering about prime factorization and square roots, which I think I learned in 4th grade (it was a while ago). What you might be talking about is finding the zero of a function (aka the root of a function) which I learned about in 8th grade.

  6. Pretty sure grade 5 or 6.

    I only say that because I know for sure I learned order of operations in grade 7 because I had the hottest of hots for my 7th grade pre-algebra teacher. I already knew about exponents and at least square roots and possibly cube roots by then. I don’t remember doing other roots until later.

  7. Maybe 5th grade but it’s been a long time since I was in fight grade so maybe I’m misremembering it.

  8. It’s not the grade level but the math level. That’s pre-algebra, and it typically is 8th grade.

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