So I read about some dude who when his wife is on her period, he makes her pick out one tampon, and that’s all she gets all day (and as far as I know, she’s in on it, it’s not an abuse thing). Like I guess they get off on her possibly bleeding through.

Personally, I think it’s way too controlling, but does anyone think otherwise?

(My personal kink for the wife’s periods: Making sure she has a bucket of chocolate ice cream. lol)

  1. No, no, no. Not even a control issue here, purely health & safety. Toxic shock syndrome is a real thing.

  2. Totally a control thing and to be honest a messed up one at that. My girlfriend at the time and wife now have had a discussion along the lines of this post but years ago and I think it kinda correlates..
    When we first got together I was very dumb when it came to completely understanding why woman needed some of those items in a box or stash of them in the glove box, purse, bathrooms and of course my vehicle, bags etc for when we were hanging out etc b4 we moved in together and I had to ask for my own good to learn and appreciate the things you beautiful woman have to do to keep healthy, clean and fresh and eventhough I understood the science and logic, I to had a slight hint of jealousy that well it wasn’t me getting some action like those little white tubes were getting. Gross, yeah I know now! But my point is it’s very difficult in some ways to not understand and instead place feelings infront of logic and luckily there wasn’t a controlling element in our situation and I have to admit I owe that to this sweet girl of mine making a slight compromise for me and that was if her period wasn’t “bad” or we weren’t doing any physical sports or activities then she would wear pads and at first I felt really bad that she felt to do that but then she reassured me that she doesn’t like to use tampons for a few reasons herself. So personally this is just another reminder to me to cherish the little things that my/our partners do and when it doubt, ask and talk it out but don’t ever insist you know better as the man because you simply do not so why control something that isn’t yours to begin with..

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