I’m an IGCSE graduate senior in highschool with a college boyfriend abroad. Him and I actually dated then broke up then ultimately got back together again. During this time, I wasn’t in school and recently moved back to the USA. Needless to say, I had a lot of time on my hands.

Because of IG, I have to get my credits up and this means extra school time and catching up on what I missed. Not to mention, I also work and volunteer regularly. You can imagine how stressful and time consuming it is meaning barely anytime to sit down and chat. At first, he claimed that he would be supportive and understood I have things I need to achieve blah blah blah. Cool beans. But this past weekend I had plans and told him that this weekend we would barely talk. Okay, he gets it but then spams me with voice notes nearly cussing me out, asking me questions like “What the f**k is going on” or “Why are you avoiding me” or “Don’t f**king make excuses”. Of course I’m upset, called him up and pretty much said something like the following: “Listen, I love you and appreciate you but you claimed you would be supportive and this isn’t it. Right now our relationship is not a priority as my life is very demanding. I’m left exhausted at the end of the day and I can’t give you a hundred percent but I’m trying my best”.

So I decided that we go on a break. We reconciled and apologized but I felt this was the best. We went from talking to every minute of the day to barely talking at all and I know it hurts but I have responsibilities that require my attention, attention I can’t give him right now. I can’t give him what he needs. As well, he barely has a social life and I’m practically the only friend he has. Before I started school I told him that he should get out and make connections because I won’t always be there. His schedule is more versatile than mine, he can skip classes and not be affected. I don’t have that luxury.

Despite all that, I feel bad because I don’t want to hurt him but I need to do what best for me and by doing all this, this helps our chances getting in the same university. AITA for all this? Did I make the right move?

1 comment
  1. Dump him. Not fair to you or your bf. Also going to college you probably going to find a better boyfriend. This is happening to me right now I’m the other guy and it’s sucks so much balls.

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