okok. so, fair context, we’re 16 and both guys; he has two jobs (hustlin) and i don’t at the moment as im trying to focus on school & college prep shenanigans. i’m PRETTY much this dude’s only friend. he said the only plans he has for his bday are for us to hangout. go out to eat, maybe hit a mall, u get the gist. so like.. when that check comes.. who snags it? should I because it’s his birthday even though i really don’t have the means to? or should *he* since he asked *me* to hangout?? this is stressin’ me out, y’all. it’s on the 14th.

  1. Just be honest if you can’t afford it but can you at least pay for your part? Just mention that you are willing to spend time with him but you don’t have any money. I am sure he would appreciate your honesty and company.

  2. So obviously I don’t know either of y’all but from my experience if I invited I never expected the other person to pay for anything if I needed them to id say it in advance. If I was invited I was never expected to pay for anything. From your context I could assume your company enough would be acceptable, if you want to pay for something (if you can) then do that if you want to, I’m assuming your friend would understand if you don’t tho.

  3. Always expect to 50/50 if you’re friends. Paying everything is only expected in relationships. Its only a bonus if a friend wants to pay for you or vice versa.

    Tho if you really care about him so much, you could pay for everything or if you don’t have money just bring a small but meaningful gift. Still split 50/50

    However, do bring extra money that is enough to pay for both of you in case your friend would be demanding and didnt bring any money. Its up to you if you would still value the friendship if it happens

  4. Since you’re unsure, ask him. Usually either you’d pay for everything or split things 50/50 since it’s your friend’s birthday.

  5. If you can afford just a dessert for you two to share, that would be a great offer. Just be like ‘I would love to go, dessert is on me’ so it’s clear you are only buying dessert.

    If you can’t, just mention, money is a bit tight, and I will get you a present in the near future.

    Or just be straight with it. If he is your friend, he will understand.

  6. I usually assume each person pays for their own stuff unless stated otherwise but I’m not sure about the culture in your particular area.

  7. Idk what’s with all the different answers. You should definitely 100% pay, if you have the ability to. If you don’t have the ability to, get him a small gift, and expect to pay for yourself. If you cannot pay for your part, just let him know and suggest something different. But if you can pay, PLEASE do.

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