I have a few friends in our group chat that constantly make fun of me behind my back and to my face. One of them found a picture of me from 12 years ago and made it his profile picture while making fun of my face. The second friend is always with the first one, joining in on the making fun of me on the picture and even said that I look like a pedophile. The third friend always calling me gay slurs even though I never said that I was gay (I’m not gay and I have no issues with gay people). This has been happening for the past 3 years now. I want to stand up for myself but I’m autistic and I don’t know what to say, I’m only one person going up against three people, and all the others (there’s about 7 of us) won’t call them out on it. I have them blocked but they have a separate accounts and they join off those and bully me again. What do I do or say?

  1. Sorry you are going through this. Feeling alone while around ‘supposed friends’ don’t feel great. Is there anyone you could speak to? Family, school or uni counsellor for emotional support?

    I don’t consider them as friends. Friends should not make you feel terrible, make fun of you, or let other friends bully you. I personally will tell them off and cut off contact. It seems they like crossing your boundaries over and over again or not care enough to stick up for you.

    Some things in mind:

    If you want or feel safe to do so, you can tell them that you don’t appreciate them making fun of you, harassing and bullying you in person and online. If they keep doing it even after you tell them, cut off contact.

    Is there a way for you to report them through the social media apps they use your photos on publicly?

    Take screen shots of the messages if you can in case you need to escalate a complaint or report.

    I hope you find real good people around you and true friends. Good luck.

  2. I’m really sorry to hear about what you’re going through

    It’s important to remember that you deserve to be treated with respect and kindness

    It might be helpful to talk to someone you trust about this situation and find ways to assert yourself in a calm and assertive manner

    Remember, you are not alone.

  3. First of all sorry that happend to you. Second of all talk to your other friends, tell them how you feel and than cut those bully’s out of your life. They are not youf friends! This are not jokes! You deserve so much better and friends would never do that or tolerate others doing this to you and hurting you. You deserve people that truly love and care for you not people that only put you down.

  4. OP you have already taken the best action to save what you thought were friendships. Sometimes the nature of a relationship is not clear but now the others have revealed themselves. The solution isn’t the one you were hoping for but these people have shown you they are not honest because you can’t condemn bullying only when the bully isn’t around. They decided the bullies are more important—possibly bc they are also scared—but it’s time for you to walk away!

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