I’m thinking about both mental, emotional and physical health issues.

  1. When my wife and I were first dating, she wasn’t interested in working out like I was. I will add that she did try it, but didn’t really like it. It was only when COVID hit and she was putting on weight that she joined me when I switched to home exercises (following Insanity Max 30). She ended up dropping like 20lbs and had a killer bod for our wedding. Ever since she’s being going strong and now will stress out if she doesn’t do her workout.

  2. I’ve talked to them out of love and tried to see if there was anything I could do to help. I don’t do anything beyond that.

    “Health” is a tricky thing IMO — I view it as a highly private and personal decision, not something that contains a social or moral imperative. I don’t think everyone needs to prioritize it the same way or make the same tradeoffs to pursue it.

    As long as her “health” situation wasn’t making her unhappy, I probably wouldn’t worry about it. My current partner has mental health issues and physical health issues, but she doesn’t really care because her daily life is pretty happy and she can enjoy the things she wants to. I don’t think about it any further than that. We all have fucked-up bodies and brains anyway, and none of us make it out alive.

  3. I would try to help them pay attention to their health, because in the grand scheme of things, health is wealth.

    Also prioritising health is a lifestyle choice. Two people need to prioritise it, otherwise one will end up feeling drained from lifting the other up all the time.

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