so me 18/F and this 19/M have been talking for a couple of months and recently we became exclusive we had to do long distance due to him studying abroad. that’s not that issue the issue is that I feel like he doesn’t want to call which is meh okay wtv but the other issue is that the convos with him are really dry I’m not saying he’s dry but the convo feels very limited I can be dry in text but because I feel like I can’t talk to him there’s a void he really likes me and he made that clear but I genuinely feel like he doesn’t know how to engage in a conversation and whenever we’re talking he only talks about himself he doesn’t ask me a lot of questions about myself he never says “what about you” or anything along these lines. he’s the one that wanted me first and he never wants the convo to end but sometimes idk what to say cause he doesn’t seem to be engaged in the convos or interested in knowing what I have to say. what should I do?? I need advice on the situation.

1 comment
  1. A lot of people do this but that doesn’t really excuse it. What do you like about this guy? He seems not that great

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