i started this thinking about IF i end my relationship but now i’m sure i have to do that. any advice on how go through it?
i feel like it’s gonna hurt a lot… he’s my first boyfriend, we have so much in common and i’m not ready to be alone as well 🙁 i’m afraid i’d keep hurting myself by seeing his profile on social media as i already do… he’s by my side sleeping and its 3am in the morning and he cant wait to wake up! (also i have such a great sense of humor)
ps: i’m sorry if my english isn’t that good. i’m gonna have some free time and gonna improve it!
ps: i love him, but he cheated on me (relationship app)

1 comment
  1. He cheated on you, you deserve better. It’s going to hurt, that’s natural. Prepare everything to leave, then tell him. If you think he will be violent, make sure someone else is there. It’s cliche but time will eventually heal wounds. You’ll meet someone worthwhile and think back to this time think of how silly it was to be with him after what he did. You’ll be a-okay.

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