I I had a girlfriend for eight years until I turned 21., she was unfaithful to me on multiple occasions and even got pregnant from one of her affairs. This left me very upset, despite everything I continued to beg her to return, and I even offered to raise the child.

She said she didn’t and she ended up marrying the father of her son because her parents forced her.

I stopped going out, I was fired from my job because I began to decline at work, I fell into depression. My best friend, Roberto, helped me get up and get a new job.

When I turned 23 I met Sienna, she was a new friend of my cousin. We met and I quickly asked her out, she accepted and over time we became a couple. I was quite toxic towards her, I wanted to know where she was all the time and with whom.

Sienna refused to indulge this type of behavior because she said that if she agreed to this over time I would get worse, that I should trust her. In all other aspects our relationship was quite good, Sienna helped me go to therapy and gave me my necessary space, Sienna also understood my behavior and she helped me improve it, I began to heal and the relationship and bond became stronger.

We started living together, we lasted 6 years together and they were the best years of my love life.

Sienna and Roberto eventually became good friends.

One Friday night I had to stay to work overtime to do some reports for the end of the quarter at that time. Sienna, Roberto and other friends went out drinking.

I got home around 12:30 and Sienna still wasn’t there. I started calling her and her cell phone was off.

Roberto sent me a message asking if I was already home and I answered yes. He sent me a photo of Sienna and a man naked in a bed sleeping. He texted (paraphrasing) “I was looking for Sienna to bring home and I found her like this.”

After crying uncontrollably I took several of my things and went to my sister’s apartment. I texted Sienna that she was a slut and had to get out of my apartment by Sunday and proceeded to block her.

When I got to my apartment on Sunday, her things were gone. In the first few weeks she never tried to approach me to talk or apologize. It got so bad because she helped me so much to overcome the previous infidelity and she herself was unfaithful to me.

I walked away and avoided anyone who talked about Sienna. My best friend supported me and said that she wasn’t worth it, that it was better to realize it now and not in the “future” when we were married. About 3 months passed and I decided to go to another state. I got a job and a small place to stay where I could adapt.

I met several women but the relationships never lasted long. I decided to stop trying to date and have romantic relationships in the medium or long term.

I never had social networks, with my family we communicate by text messages or emails. We had communication with Roberto but over time it became non-existent.

6 months ago I decided to download Facebook. I found my sister and checking her friends list I found Roberto. In marital status he said “married.” Check the photos of him and he married Sienna a year ago.

I asked my sister about them and she said that they didn’t know anything about Roberto’s life since I left, they have seen him at most 10 times in these 4 years but they never started a real conversation.

I wrote to one of my friends on Facebook at that time, and he did have contact with Roberto. I asked him about it and he told me that Roberto and Sienna became very close because Roberto supported Sienna after her altercation.

He also called me an idiot for abandoning Sienna in her state even though she always supported me.

I asked him what she was referring to, as I didn’t know what she was talking about. He asked for my number and called me a few minutes later.

Apparently that night they started drinking a lot, several of them left Sienna alone. After a while Roberto sent me the image, they woke up Sienna and she didn’t remember anything. The guy that night took advantage of Sienna.

She was very bad, especially after I kicked her out of the house. She never contacted me because she was really in a bad way. She went to therapy and when she wanted to look for me she found out that she was pregnant. Roberto supported her all the time. She ended up losing the baby.

They started dating later, got married and apparently now she is pregnant. I told my friend that I didn’t know anything about that, that I always believed that she was unfaithful to me and that Roberto never tried to correct me in that regard.

I really feel terrible, mentally worn out with so much shit because I still love Sienna.
Should I contact Roberto or Sienna?

  1. I’m quite sure that you will never have a relationship with Sienna but an apology might settle some ghosts for you and allow you to move on.

    Send her a two hundred word explanation and apology. Keep it brief and to the point. Say that you are not looking for any contact with her or even any response. Let her know you recently found out new information that clarified what had happened that night and you felt you owed her an apology.

    Do not expect any response from her. I doubt you would get anything. There is nothing more to say.

  2. Did I read this correctly? Her current husband is one of the people that left her to be SAd while incapacitated?


  3. how does roberto never attempt to clear this up???? after he is the one who painted the picture a certain way? and now he is marrying her? i don’t like it one bit

  4. It sounds like Roberto helped arrange or at least assisted in her rape and then used it to split you two up.

  5. Mate your “best friend” allowed your gf to be sexually assaulted, slut shamed her, caused your break up then white nighted and swooped in to pick up the peices and get what he was after all along. That is a fucked up human being and a shitty friend. If you’re feeling petty, message the ex and let her know it was her husband who accused her, them failed to reach out and correct his “error”. If nothing else she should know what type of asshole she’s married too

  6. Someone close to her in her family needs to see that text that he sent you. He set her up with her abuser and painted a cheating scenario. She needs to find out from someone else that she married a monster and he’s not who she think he is. Reuniting with her isn’t part of the end game. It’s protecting her.

  7. You can’t get her back, but at the very least you can tell Sienna about Roberto’s lies. She deserves to know that her husband lied to you about her cheating to get her to be in a relationship with him.

  8. I think the the post-assault pregnancy might have been a bit to heavy-handed, I would leave that one out of the rewrite. Getting there!

  9. The fuck. I need your other friends Diego, Rodrigo and Thiago to help you clean this mess. It’s it too late. Sienna needs to kick Roberto out, and let you raise her child, obviously. I absolutely love telenovelas.

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