If a guy offered to help you rack your weights, how would you respond and would it bother you?

  1. I’d be weirded out and wonder how to get rid of the person since they seem to be aggressively trying to impose themselves on me

  2. Would let him then not think about it for like 9 months. Then one night at like 3 am while trying to sleep my brain will be like, “remember that guy who racked your weights for you? That was weird.” And that will be that, nothing more, nothing less.

  3. I would interpret it as an invitation to social interaction and would accept or decline depending on what mood I’m in at the moment.

    But what if they were actually just trying to diss me by implying that I look weak? Well… that’s their loss, now they’re doing my work and they also have to put up with my socially awkward attempts at communicating.

  4. That’s weird and intrusive. I consider that part of the workout. Let me do it and leave me in peace.

  5. If I was struggling I’d thank him and take him up on his offer. If I felt good and confident after my set I’d just end my interaction with him with a “no thanks, I’m good.” (Because at that point I’d think he was mocking me.)

  6. I’d say fuck yeah thanks bro.

    Unless he’s waiting for something I’m using, then it’s just courtesy for me to rack it before he uses it. I mean I wouldn’t mind if he started doing it, but I certainly wouldn’t expect it.

  7. I love how some people get hyper sensitive about the tiniest moments in life.

    “Yeah, I would never let another man help me speed up getting the hell out of here so I can go home faster! That would be gay!”

  8. I’d be like “hey thanks bro!” and take the help. Help in the gym is good. Also builds brotherhood. Same answer if some bro wanted to offer me pointers. Particularly if he was clearly jacked. Are there people this *would* bother? Time to doomscroll I guess.

  9. Don’t read into it. Gym bros are nice people and always willing to help.

    Maybe he was into you, and was trying to start a dialogue.

    Anyway I wouldn’t think the worst about it.

  10. If I could use the help, I’d say “sure”. Otherwise, I’d politely decline. It’s not that deep.

  11. *”If a guy offered to help you rack your weights, how would you respond “*


    *”would it bother you?”*


  12. It wouldn’t bother me, but I would still most likely say I’ve got it just because I don’t like making people help me with things I should be able to deal with myself.

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